After Dinner:

  1. Rinse and pick through 1 pound of black beans. Soak beans overnight in large bowl with 8 cups cold water.
  2. In your slow cooker put about one to one and a half pounds of soup bones [pork is best but you can use chicken or beef]. Add 6-8 cups of water and cook overnight. See! So far that's easy,isn't it!!! Now, go have a beer and go to bed.

Next Day:

  1. Pick the bones out of the soup stock. Hang them on a string and wear them around your neck to ward off evil spirits.
  2. Drain the beans. Feed the water to your plants. Put the beans in a large pot with 6 cups water. Bring to a quick boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Now drain again and throw the beans in the slow cooker with your soup stock. Save the boiled water for your plants again.
  3. Into the slow cooker add:
    • 1chopped onion
    • 1 red, green, yellow, or orange pepper
    • at least 2 cloves chopped garlic
    • 1 small jalapeno pepper[not if you have kids]
    • 2 tsp. ground cumin
    • 2 tsp. oregano
    • pinch cloves
    • 1 tblsp soy sauce
    • salt and pepper
    • 14 - 16 oz. stewed tomatoes, juice and all
    • 2 stalks chopped celery


mmm, mmmm, good! Now stir and cook on low until dinner time. Makes enough to put your local gas company out of business!!

There have been people farting around here.

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